Our Heroes

Character data
Popp is a lively and imaginative character, not quite human, who loves to explore new places and has a deep connection to nature. Popp's enthusiasm for adventure is infectious, and he has a special gift for seeing the beauty in the natural world.
POPP Challenge
Can you guess all the riddles correctly?
Question 1
Do you know why teddy bears are never hungry?

Answer 1
Because they’re stuffed!

Question 2
Start singing! Can you guess the song?

Answer 2
Lion sleeps tonight

Question 3
You go at red but stop at green. What am I?

Answer 3
A watermelon

Question 4
Seven sisters went to the cottage and every single one of them decided to start doing something. The first one started reading a novel, the second one started frying pancakes, the third started playing chess, the fourth started doing crosswords, the fifth started doing laundry, the sixth started watering the plants. Find the 7th sister!

Answer 4
The seventh sister is playing chess with the third.

Question 5
Save the elephant from the circus cage!

Answer 5

Question 6
Do you know how a bee gets to school?

Answer 6
On a Buzz!!

Question 7
Which is the most curious letter?

Answer 7

Question 8
If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become?

Answer 8

Question 9
A prisoner is forced to go into one of three rooms, but he can choose which room.

The first room is ablaze with fire.
The second one is rigged with explosives that will go off as soon as he enters.
The third contains a pair of lions who haven't eaten in years.
Which room should he choose to survive?
Answer 9
The third room - any lions who hadn’t eaten in years would be dead!

Question 10
Where are the cat and the mouse?

Answer 10
According to the task, the cat can be in 2 places: either in the room or in the basement. But the cat can’t be in the room because the cheese is not in the fridge — it’s on the table. So the cat is in the basement. We know that the cheese is on the table and the cat is in the basement. This means that the mouse is in the room.